UdderLok – Buy The Original Patented Milk Lock Here!
For a life less annoying…
House “mate” a bit of stretch for that Terry-Tealeaf who denies he’s nicked your semi-skimmed but has never been seen buying a pint in his life?
UdderLok is the answer!

My Mum has been singing its praises to everyone at work.
Thank you so much for this AMAZING product!
Not only does it keep my milk safe I get the extra satisfaction knowing that it really winds people up!
Thank you so much for an awesome product! It’s honestly fantastic. You have made me and my team very happy!
Great product… Lots of people impressed with it (and a few annoyed!!!) Nothing else out there like it really.
I’m so happy I found UdderLok!
Your product has saved my colleague and I two bottles of milk in one week, I never knew how much we were losing.
I’m very pleased with it and it definitely acts as a deterrent.
I’ve have had an Udderlok for while, forgot to put on the other day and colleagues had emptied a 4 pinter by lunchtime!!! Worth it’s weight in gold 🙂
Buy your Udderlok here
Just £8.99 including free UK postage
How it Works…
Is some Udder-plucker
taking your milk?
taking your milk?
Locking Lily says “Don’t take it any more – UdderLok – The Original Patented Milk Carton Lock is here to solve probably Britain’s most prolific unreported crime!”
“Are you suffering from a cost of living crisis or a cost of thieving crisis? Buy an UdderLok!“

Which milk bottles does UdderLok fit?
UdderLok is compatible with most plastic milk cartons such as those from Tesco, Morrisons, M&S, Asda, Aldi, Lidl, Co-op, Sainsburys & Spar.
It doesn’t fit the plastic milk cartons with the annoying little tear-off antitamper tabs or Tetrapak-type cartons.

Frequently asked questions.
Q: Is it dishwasher-friendly?
A: Yes very friendly. And dishwashers love it as well.
Q: Is it recyclable?
A: Yes it is – it’s made of Type 2 HDPE. Our packaging is also fully recyclable and contains recycled materials.
Q: Is it made in Britain?
A: It is indeed. British design. British manufactured. The recycled bits of plastic in the packaging are from British recycled waste and the other plastic might be from British dinosaurs but we’ve no reliable way of checking this.
Q: Do you sell to New Zealand?
A: Yes! We now sell to New Zealand – owing to costs I’m afraid we do have to charge postage but we have options for Royal Mail Standard (takes about 7 days after we post it) or Royal Mail Tracked (about 5 days after we post it) depending whether you want to save money, or if like us you get excited watching your parcels getting checked-in on route at places you’ve never heard of.
Q: Which cartons will it fit in New Zealand?
A: Our somewhat inextensive research has told us that UdderLok fits Anchor Dairy plastic milk cartons – please check the compatibility images on this page. For all of you lovely new New Zealand customers, please do let us know if it fits other milk suppliers!
Q: Can I lay the milk down with this cap screwed on it?
A: Only if you do that currently with your open milk cartons…. And of course if you enjoy using the salad drawer as a drinking receptacle. Probably best to keep it upright.
Q: How secure is it?
A: We’re all about discouraging theft here… let’s be honest, if your housemate somehow manages to defeat the lock or damages the carton to drain your milk you’re screwed two ways –
1) You’ll be eating dry Frosties, and
2) You’ll have discovered your housemate is even more of a tool than you first thought.
But otherwise it’ll make the little Terry Tealeaf’s life a bit harder so they nick someone else’s milk, which is what it’s all about.
Q: Can someone get the Lok off without the key?
A: Please screw the Lok on tightly. We’ve designed it to allow you to do this without it jumping the thread on the bottle. If someone does somehow manage to get it off and you want to know who it is, either search immediately for someone covered in exploded milk spatter, or leave it until later and see which of your colleagues smells like yoghurt.
Q: What do I do if it skips the thread on the bottle when I tighten it?
A: Two options here –
#1 The thread type doesn’t match – please see the compatibility images littered across this site
#2 You need to gently push it on while turning a quarter-turn anti-clockwise which will make it sit flat, and then screw clockwise to tighten – It’s a snug fit for a good reason and can take a little practice at first